Monday 28 March 2011


Quotes of the Day:-           "Learning to walk sets you free. Learning to dance gives you to greatest freedom of all; to express with your whole self, the person you are."

I am currently volunteering at my dance school CM Dance on a Saturday morning from 10am-12noon.  I have been teaching here for over 2 years now and I thoroughly enjoy it as the children are a pleasure to work with (even though they are sometimes lazy) and I feel it has greatly helped me in my own dance class as I have to greatly go into detail with techniques and dances. I have taught different age groups but the one i most enjoy teaching is the primary class and this is children aged 5-7/8. In this age group the children are starting to develop a personality and you can really get to know a child because they feel they can trust you and tell you EVERYTHING! I take a great pride in this trust and some of the things they say can be witty and very funny. Ever child has an individual level of skill and concentration and this depends on how quickly they pick up dances and how well they can dance, this can be a challenge sometimes as everyone Is at a different level and you can’t make routines too easy and you can’t make it too hard or they will lose concentration. Even though I enjoy teaching and I don’t mind volunteering, one day I would like to get my teachers qualification and start getting paid for my work and maybe one day when I am older I could own my own dance school’ that is my dream.  Dancing has always been my passion for as long as I can remember and I hope to pass this on to my children when I am holder and make them the best dancers they can be. I have added a picture of my dance school on a Saturday morning raising money for Comic Relief.

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